Using a Board Portal With Remote Voting
Many organizations have discovered that using a portal for boards with built-in remote voting capabilities can increase participation of members who aren’t able to travel to the meetings in person. This process is more secure and is easier to manage. It also lets members vote from any location. There are some important things to consider when it comes to casting votes remotely.
It is important to remember that email is not an appropriate medium for an individual vote. Cybercriminals are able to hack into personal and business email accounts and alter results. This could result in a result that is null and null and void. This kind of manipulation can be very difficult to detect and even harder to prove, without an extremely secure system such as the board portals that many organizations rely on.
Another issue is that a vote submitted via email may not reflect the actual intent of the voter. As a person responds a vote, they can choose from a variety of responses that range from an easy yes or no to a lengthy paragraph detailing their views on the issue. This could be confusing or misleading for other voters and result in a confused result of the vote.
It’s important for any organization that is considering implementing email voting to have a clear procedure in place. A thorough session of training on the software for voting used by the organization should be provided ahead of time to ensure that everyone is confident about how to use it prior to any remote votes take place.